BEÐIÐ EFTIR DANSI / Waiting for a dance
01.04. - 22.04.2023

Hljóðverkið Beðið eftir dansi bíður kaffihúsagestum upp á að njóta nándarinnar sem fylgir því að bíða. Hvað upplifir þú í biðstöðu? Getum við upplifað sameiginlega löngun til breytinga, ef við bíðum saman? Að leyfa tímanum að líða með endurtekningum og tómarúmi eykur eftirvæntinguna á að eitthvað gerist. Kannski er þetta eitthvað sem við vitum ekki enn(...)

Tónlistin er unnin af danshöfundinum Yelenu Arakelow og er byggð á sjónrænu skori og vettvangsupptökum sem teknar voru á iPhoneinn hennar á biðstundum í Reykjavík, Vestmannaeyjum (Íslandi), Riga og Vangaži (Lettlandi). Húsið er opið alla virka daga frá kl 08:30-17.00 og kl 10.00-17.00 um helgar.

The sonic soundscape of WAITING FOR A DANCE proposes to the cafe visitors to indulge in the intimacy of waiting through listening. What do you experience in the state of waiting? If we wait together, can we collectively experience desire for change? Unfolding time through repetition and nothingness increases the anticipation for something to happen. Perhaps something we don't yet know how to (…) The sonic elements are based on field recordings while waiting in Iceland and Latvia. A mixture of nature and industrial sounds are manipulated and constructed into an experience of waiting. The audio piece slowly transitions from one world into the other and through repetition opens a new world of imagination.

Yelena Arakelow (born 1993 in Zürich) Switzerland is an emerging dance artist based in Reykjavík, Iceland since 2015. Her interdisciplinary works about corporeal existence and anticipation in dance have been exhibited at Art Gallery Reykjanesbæjar (2021) and performed at Reykjavik Dance Festival (2022), Ung Nordic Music Festival Iceland (2022), Plöntutið (2021), Tanzhaus Zürich (2020), Nuuk Nordic Kulturfestival (2021) and International Dance Festival Latvia (2020).

"Waiting for a dance" was produced by Ung Nordisk Musik Iceland and premiered at UNM Festival Iceland in August 2022 with the financial support by UNM Iceland, Tónskáldasjóður Rúv, Reykjavik Dance Festival and with the friendly support of Ernst von Siemens. Special thanks to tóma rýmið, Danvserkstæðið, Katerina Spathi, Sólbjört Vera Ómarsdóttir, Jóhannes Stefánsson, Sóley Sigurjónsdóttir, Baiba Vanaga and Eydís Rose Vilmundardóttir.


Virkir dagar: 08:30 - 17:00

Laugadagar: 09:00 - 17:00

Sunnudagar: 10:00 - 17:00

Freyjugata 41

101 Reykjavík

s. 555 0041

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