15.03. - 02.04.2023

Sneak peak er opin vinnustofa í Gryfju þar sem íslenska listakonan Melanie Ubaldo vinnur að einkasýningu sinni sem opnar í Ásmundarsal laugardaginn 13.mai.

Melanie Ubaldo (f. 1992, Filippseyjum ) útskrifaðist með meistaragráðu í myndlist frá Listaháskóla Íslands árið 2022. Melanie hefur sýnt bæði hérlendis og erlendis og hlaut styrk úr styrktarsjóði Svavars Guðnasonar og Ástu Eiríksdóttur árið 2021. Melanie er ein af stofnendum listhópsins Lucky 3, en hópurinn samanstendur af listamönnum af filippeyskum uppruna.  Lucky 3 hlaut hvatningarverðlaun myndlistarráðs árið 2022. Verk Melanie eru í eigu Listasafns Íslands og Listasafns Reykjavíkur ásamt því að vera í söfnum hjá bæði einkaaðilum og öðrum opinberum stofnunum.

SNEAK PEAK to a larger solo show by the Icelandic artist Melanie Ubaldo in Ásmundarsalur which opens on saturday the 13th of May.
Melanie shows the current work in progress for the show in an open studio in Gryfjan from 15.03-02.04.

Melanie Ubaldo (b. 1992, Philippines) graduated with MA Fine Arts from the Iceland University of Arts in 2022. Melanie has exhibited widely in Iceland and internationally. Melanie was the recipient of the Svavar Guðnasson and Ásta Eiríksdóttir fund for promising artists in Iceland in 2021. Alongside her solo practice, Melanie is one of the founders of Lucky 3, a collective of Icelandic artists of Filipino origins. Lucky 3 were the recipients of the Motivational Award from the Icelandic Art Prize in 2022. Her works have since been acquired by the National Gallery of Iceland and Reykjavik Art Museum and other institutions for their permanent collections and in private collections.